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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rodney Glassman For ADP Chair

December 17, 2010 12:04 PM

Connie Finneman
LD19 Board Chair
Good morning State Committee Members,

Most of you attended last night's holiday party and heard Rodney Glassman speak. I am personally endorsing Rodney for the state party chair position for the following reasons:

1) He has committed to doing this job FULL TIME, not part time. I have never known a chairperson able to make that commitment. Because Rodney's wife Sasha will be starting a new job in the Phoenix area after the first of the year, Rodney will not be looking for an new job, so he will make the state chairperson position his full time job which is something I feel is desperately needed for our party. Since there is no salary paid for this position, most people could not afford to make a commitment like this. Therefore, they would only be part-timers in this important position.

2) Rodney has traveled the state during his senate campaign and has met with many people including PC's, district chairs, state committee people, etc. He is a great listener and welcomes everyone into a discussion. He prefers to have more people involved in decision making, rather than fewer people involved. He excels at bringing people together to find solutions.

3) He is accessible. Anytime I've ever needed to reach Rodney I've received a return email or phone call from him within 24 hours and I know he will do the same as state party chair.

4) He knows we exist in the East Valley. He and Sasha attended several events for Kit's campaign, working closely with our volunteers, more than any other candidate by far. So, with Rodney as our new state party chair it gives us in LD19 a voice in the state party!

5) He has proven he can fundraise. Rodney raised over a million dollars in his campaign for the senate against a powerful McCain machine so we already know he can bring money into the party.

6) He has already built relationships with major organizations that endorse him and that can help the party. Organizations like Labor Unions, Planned Parenthood, the LGBT community and the Sierra Club to name a few.

7) Rodney has a vision and the enthusiasm to carry it out. He knows that we need a "brand" for our party. What it means to be a Democrat in Arizona. He realizes that we need to be a strong, united party in order to take back our state. And you need someone with new ideas and the ability to communicate with everyone to make this happen. 

These are the reasons why I personally support Rodney for the position of state party chair.

If you would like to discuss this with me personally, feel free to call me at the phone # below or if you have any questions for Rodney, you can email him directly at Also, if you would like to help make some phone calls to fellow state committee members across the state, PLEASE let me know. There are 800 voting committee members in the state so any help with calling would be greatly appreciated! If you aren't comfortable calling but support Rodney and want to do something, please talk to other democrats that you know, tell them why you support Rodney and encourage them to do the same. Our state party meeting will be held on Saturday, January 22nd. If you are unable to attend you will need to vote by proxy. Please let me know if you do not plan on attending the meeting. More information will be sent after the first of the year.

As our district chair, I am so excited about the possibility of working with Rodney in the future because I believe HE is the one that can increase the energy and build the enthusiasm in the state that we in LD19 already have:) 

Happy holidays to you all and thank you for the opportunity to work with you over the next two years. I am truly honored!


Connie Finneman
LD19 Board Chair

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