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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Arizona Governor Candidate Debate~ In My Own Words

Terry Goddard ~V~ Jan Brewer

Un-Elected Governor Jan Brewer proved in tonights Clean Elections Debate that she is not fit to hold Arizona's highest office. In my opinion, she's ignorant, inarticulate, and has proven time and again that she does not hold the people of Arizona in any sort of high regard.

The faux governor is running her campaign solely on SB1070 because it's the only thing she has to fall back on. She stated soon after signing the controversial bill that it did absolutely nothing to secure the borders to the South. We have lost businesses at an alarming rate (including my own) due to her budget cuts. She's fiscally irresponsible and continues to lie in the face of bold fact.

Citizens have and continue to lose their homes, their very dreams! Brewer cut the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) leaving those without any insurance to use the emergency rooms instead of seeing their own doctor, which is not only better for the children but also more cost effective.

She caused single parents to quit their jobs because they can no longer afford child care. Schools continue to suffer as Arizona sits stagnant in last position. Not only do the citizens suffer individually, but what kind of fiscally responsible person causes the loss of so much revenue in income tax. Instead of being tax payers and contributing, folks like me are a burden on the state now until we can secure other viable employment. Fat chance!

If you haven't had the pleasure of watching the debate, you won't be sorry. I guarantee it is entertaing from Brewer's opening mean statement.

Now be sure you are registered to vote and get your Permanent Early Ballot registrations in so you don't miss this important election! GOTV If you don't know where to get them contact me and I will be sure you get one.


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