David Lujan
David Lujan has spent his life as a tireless advocate for children and families. As a prosecutor, an Assistant Attorney General, and House Minority Leader, David has gotten real results for all Arizonans.
Fighting for Victims
An Arizona native, David works for the non-profit Defenders of Children, which serves children and adults who are victims of abuse. As Defenders’ staff attorney, David fights to ensure that abused kids are removed from violent situations and placed with qualified, caring relatives or foster parents. He also works with victims of the polygamist sect in Colorado City, helping women and children to escape abuse. David has carried his passion for victims to the state legislature, where he fights for legislation to help abused children and victims of domestic violence.
David began his legal career as an attorney for the National Labor Relations Board, where he enforced our nation’s laws protecting workers’ rights. In one of his first cases David sued a Laughlin casino on behalf of several workers who had been fired for organizing a union. David won back their jobs, including back pay, and protected their right to organize. He then joined the Attorney General’s office as an Assistant Attorney General, where he prosecuted school officials who had used school funds to take vacations or remodel their homes. David also helped to oversee a $1.4 billion school construction program to fix crumbling schools and ensure that every child went to class in a safe, healthy environment.
Making Government Work for Arizona
In 2002, David’s focus on kids led him to the Phoenix Union High School District. In eight years on the school board - including two years as President, David has focused on increasing parent and community involvement in schools. Through David’s efforts, the District has raised thousands of dollars to provide scholarships and mentoring programs to hundreds of students across the District.
First elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2004, David has been a powerful advocate for Arizona families. David recognizes that we have a choice between paying up front to educate our children, or paying down the road to incarcerate far too many of them. For that reason, he has stood up to draconian budget cuts that deprived thousands of Arizona children of a quality education and dependable healthcare. A staunch ally of current Attorney General Terry Goddard, he has authored tough laws designed to crack down on violent crime and identity theft. As a Defenders’ attorney, he has helped to train more than 1,000 attorneys and law enforcement officials on domestic violence, child abuse and the juvenile and dependency law and co-authored Child Advocacy 101, a guide to child protection systems in the United States.
David grew up in the Phoenix area, graduated from Washington High School, and attended Arizona State University for his undergraduate and law degrees.
David Lujan's Awards
April 24: Omicron State Arizona, Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Key Women Educators 2010 Friend of Education Award.
March 25: AZ Hemophilia Association Certificate of Appreciation
March 12: AGUILA YOUTH LEADERSHIP Award Honoree, First Annual AUGILA Luncheon
January: Public Policy Award from the AZ Association of Family and Reconciliation Courts.
December: AZ Parents for Education’s Golden Apple Award in recognition for your continued support for public education.
November: March of Dimes Hunter’s Hope Foundation “Going the Extra Mile Award.”
September 25, 2009: Arts Hero Award from AZ Citizens Action for the Arts.
September 25, 2009 Chapter 1 NASW Legislator of the Year Award
August, 2009 Friend of Cities and Towns
March 10, 2009 Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Award
April 21, 2009 Greater Phoenix Child Abuse Prevention Council's Cherish the Children Award in Media/Public Policy.
April 3, 2009 3rd Annual Cesar Chavez Continuing the Legacy Award from William Mitchell College of Law, St. Paul, MN. Latino Law Student Association.
Arizona Students’ Association Legislator of the Year Award
AZ Business and Education Coalition’s Legislative Partner Award
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